HomeNursing ProgramsRN To BSN Without Clinical Requirements Online Accredited Programs

RN To BSN Without Clinical Requirements Online Accredited Programs


RN to BSN online programs without clinical requirements may be the best option if you have decided that RN to BSN is the degree you want to earn and you are willing to complete the coursework on your own time without any clinicals to pay the bills while you study. When selecting an RN to BSN online no clinicals accredited program, you must do your research to select the right program for your needs. Here are four good reasons why RN to BSN Online Programs without Clinicals requirements might be right for you.

More About RN to BSN without Clinical Requirements

These options can be a good alternative for students with busy schedules or other barriers to completing in-person clinical requirements. RN to BSN without Clinical Online programs vary in terms of curriculum and quality, so be sure to research any program before enrolling. Check the type of degrees and what they cost. We’ve also included some helpful information on finding scholarships if you need help financing your education. And don’t forget to look at each school’s accreditation status! Accreditation ensures that your degree will be accepted by employers, licensing boards, etc., upon graduation.

Purpose of Online RN to BSN Programs without Clinicals

Students without an Associate’s Degree or a Bachelor’s Degree who want to go into higher-level nursing programs can find plenty of opportunities in today’s job market. However, some people out there lack either of these qualifications and wonder if they have other options. An RN-to-BSN program without clinicals exists because many employers prefer employees with an associate’s degree (ADN) and a bachelor’s degree (BSN). These nurses needn’t be concerned; you can still achieve your education goals by taking online courses toward your RN-to-BSN from schools like Keiser University, Chamberlain College of Nursing and Excelsior College.

rn to bsn without clinical

Advantages Of Online RN-to-BSN No Clinicals Programs

Many online RN-to-BSN programs do not require clinicals. The advantage of no clinicals is that they allow you to proceed at your own pace, and you don’t have to be physically present on a college campus. Another advantage is that you can study on your schedule. Most students enrol in online RN-to-BSN programs to continue working while earning their degree. However, if you plan to become a nurse with your associate’s or bachelor’s degree, some states require registration with local boards before practicing nursing without supervision from a licensed nurse.

Disadvantages of Online RN-to-BSN Programs

Earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree or Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree is one of the best decisions to advance your nursing career. However, it is not easy for all nurses, especially those already working full-time, to obtain BSN or MSN degrees while working during their clinical hours. This may seem not easy because many schools require students to complete their RN-to-BSN courses on campus, which generally means travelling from one campus to another for every class. Therefore, online RN-to-BSN programs without clinicals were designed so that busy nurses can pursue their dreams without missing classes due to travel distance.

Cost of RN to BSN Online Programs

Asking an RN to make a career change can be intimidating. You’ve seen how expensive college is, you’re worried about what it might cost to earn a bachelor’s degree, and you have no idea where to start your search for a program.

The cost of tuition is one of the key factors in deciding which college to attend. Online RN-to-BSN programs without clinicals can be completed in a shorter time. This is especially true when hours of clinical practicum don’t matter. They are also more cost-effective. It is essential to compare the costs of the different programs. Ensure you find out if schools in your area charge different rates for students from out-of-state and in-state. You may decide which school you want to attend by the difference in tuition costs.

Tuition Fees
The tuition fees of Online RN BSN Program without clinical at University of Illinois at Chicago is $475 per credit hour. Students have to pay an additional library and IT fee of eighteen dollars per credit hour, averaging $493. The university charges approximately $14,790 per student who completes the program.

Students are eligible for forty-eight-semester credits once they have enrolled at Nightingale College. The Nightingale College offers one of the best online RN-to-BSN programs. Students can use the credits to complete core pre-licensure coursework related to their current RN degree. The cost for another 72 credit hours is $400 per credit hour. Students also pay a $125 remote proctoring charge per semester, a $ 200-course audit fee, and a $125 one-time application fee. The program’s average cost is $29,250.

Prgoram Duration 

Online RN-to-BSN programs with no clinicals vary in length. These Programs take nine months to 2 year years to complete. Typically, you will have to complete 30-36 credits before becoming eligible for a bachelor’s degree program in nursing. Most online RN-to-BSN programs are broken down into three terms or semesters, and in each semester, you will be expected to complete around 18-20 credits of coursework. You can expect to study various subjects, including physiology, pharmacology, pathology and more. This can take up most of your time and ultimately take an entire year to complete, depending on how many courses you take each term.

Oklahoma City University-Kramer School of Nursing.
The Online RN-to-BSN program at Oklahoma City University-Kramer School of Nursing, with no clinicals can be completed in as little as two semesters.

Norwich University’s program can take between 18 and 24 months, depending on whether the student is enrolled full-time or part-time.

Online RN-to-BSN without Clinical program in Columbus, Ohio, consists of nine six-week courses.

BSN Career Skills

Although clinical experience is more challenging than classroom learning in certain ways, it is an essential part of nurses’ training. It is crucial to receive clinical teaching in a real hospital or clinic setting where there is pressure to make the right decisions and do the job correctly. Students also learn how to interact with other healthcare professionals. It can be an excellent way to practice for the kind of personality conflicts you will face in the future when working with nurses or clinical instructors.

Admission Requirements 

This two-year diploma is intended for registered nurses who want to advance their job prospects through advanced nursing education. The RN –BSN course generally consists of a minimum of 75 semester hours. In most states, candidates must have graduated from an accredited or state-approved hospital or college of nursing with a recognized associate degree in nursing.

rn to bsn programs without clinicals

A certificate from a board of nursing granting temporary permission to practice as a registered nurse may be accepted by some colleges for direct entry into baccalaureate programs. The admissions process typically includes completing an application, being interviewed by an admission counsellor and submitting all supporting documentation (transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc.). Most schools require prospective students to take placement exams before beginning coursework, and placement tests are designed to assess skills and knowledge acquired during previous training.

Points to Note While Applying For RN-To-BSN Online Programs

Many colleges and universities provide higher education to students around, making it hard for individuals to choose which school would be most appropriate for them. However, when applying for an RN-to-BSN program, you should know that it’s not just about getting a degree. Many of these programs require applicants to have work experience in nursing before they can be admitted into any program that leads up to a bachelor’s degree in nursing.

Therefore, it is essential for nurses already working as RNs to get complete information before choosing a school or university before deciding to join any online courses to earn their degree.

Universities Offering RN-to-BSN Programs Online 

These online nursing schools offer field experiences in your area and incorporate the clinical experience into their courses.

Grand Canyon University
GCU is a Christian school that also offers an extensive online teaching program. The rolling system allows new students to begin the 36 credit RN-to-BSN program every two weeks. There is no clinical requirement for the program.

South University
South is a private university that has over 18,000 students. It offers a wide range of online degrees. It provides an online RN-to-BSN program, which is available in addition to several nursing master’s programs. There are no clinical courses. Transfer credits from prior learning can be accepted for up to 90 credit hours toward your BSN degree.

Arizona State University
The public Arizona state university system offers a 100% online program. The university doe not offer clinical courses. What’s known as “practical learning activities” is the method of clinical learning.

Saint Louis University
The school is a Catholic Jesuit school located in St. Louis, Missouri. It offers an online RN-to-BSN program that allows up to 64 credit hours to be transferred and does not require any clinical courses.

Indiana University
One program was created by eight Indiana University Nursing campuses – a public state university system. According to the school’s website, clinical learning experiences are integrated with didactic or lecture-based classes.

RN to BSN Online No Clinicals Accredited Programs

​It isn’t easy to find many accredited RN to BSN online without Clinicals Programs because most approved BSN programs require some clinicals to be accepted into the program. But Herzing University has a one-year accelerated RN to BSN online without traditional clinicals. This RN to BSN online program requires no clinical and is accredited by the CCNE. This no clinicals RN to BSN online program offers modern and relevant training to nurses working as RN in different environments.

Highlights of Herzing RN to BSN Online Without Traditional Clinical Program (Accredited by CCNE)

Name of the Program RN To BSN Online Without Traditional Clinicals Accredited
Course Accreditation Accredited by CCNE and the Higher Learning Commission
Course Duration 1 Year
Credits Required 120
Clinicals Requirements No Traditional Clinicals Requirements
Class Format Online
Program offered by Herzing University
Campus-Based School RN to BSN Programs

University of Wyoming
This public university’s program is in Laramie (Wyoming) and can be completed in just one year. The university offers accelerated learning. This program requires full-time attendance and is unique in that it’s campus-based and doesn’t require any clinical time.

Career Opportunities After Completing Online RN to BSN Programs without Clinicals?

Many career opportunities are available after graduating from an online RN-to-BSN program. Here are some examples of possible jobs for BSN-prepared nurses.

1. Director of Nursing:
Director of Nursing will be responsible for the management of the nursing team, which includes registered nurses, nursing assistants, and licensed vocational/vocational nurses. The DON is responsible for managing departmental budgets and reports and implementing patient care services.

2. Director of the Community Agency:
This position will allow you to plan and implement strategies that produce high-quality results in disaster planning, community assessment and population health.

3. Unit Managers
Unit managers are responsible for overseeing the nursing activities in a particular unit within a healthcare facility. As a nurse unit manager, you might work in an emergency department, pediatric unit, or intensive care unit. Your job is to ensure that the nursing staff provides quality patient care.

RN to BSN Online Programs without Clinicals- FAQ 

1.Is joining an online RN-to-BSN program without clinical requirements a good idea?
There is no one nursing program that is perfect or the best for all registered nurses. Even if a school admits you to a BSN program without clinicals, it is up to you to decide if your clinical skills are sufficient for you to take on the responsibilities of a BSN position. Many schools offer this program with at least one year of experience as a registered nurse, and others may not. Remember that every decision you make as a nurse can significantly impact the well-being and health of those to whom we provide care.

2.Is financial aid available for students enrolled in an online RN-to-BSN program that doesn’t require clinical?
Yes, some institutions provide financial aid to students enrolled in this program. When researching schools, check their website for financial assistance or speak with a financial advisor to learn about the available options. You may be eligible for benefits or scholarships from your employer if you work at a large hospital or corporation. Anyone who intends to go to college should complete a Financial Student Assistance: Free Application(FAFSA). This will allow you to determine if you are eligible for grants or loans from the government. These payments do not have to be repaid.

3. Online RN-to-BSN programs that do not require clinicals are easier than other programs in nursing?
Even without any clinical requirements, online RN-to-BSN programs can be very demanding. It can be easy to get behind when you have to meet deadlines for assignments or tests and you don’t have an instructor to help you. You can be self-motivated and create a schedule that suits you. Staying focused will make the process run much more smoothly.

4. Do I need to pass another licensure exam after completing an online RN-to-BSN program without any clinicals?
After completing their prelicensure program, all nurses must take the NCLEX-RN national exam. It is not intended to assess Bachelor- and associate-level nurses with different information. In comparison, some universities and nursing faculties demand that the test content be different for associate and bachelor-prepared nurses alike; both take the exam. After passing the NCLEX-RN and becoming a registered nurse, you won’t need to retake it after completing the RN-to-BSN course.


Considering all of these details, it is clear that there are many Online RN to BSN programs without clinical requirements. The most important thing is to ensure you are making a well-informed decision, and this will make all of your hard work and effort pay off with the nursing degree you want. We hope this article helped you find an RN to BSN Online No Clinicals accredited prgoram that fits your needs and helps you achieve your goals. If you have any questions regarding RN BSN programs, feel free to reach out to us for help—we’re here for you!

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BSN RN Programs strive to enhance nursing excellence by providing nursing aspirants, students, and working nurses access to the educational and job opportunities they require to be successful in their life. BSN RN Programs provide the necessary information and updates about various RN BSN Programs, LPN Programs, Practical Nursing Programs, Masters Programs, License Requirements, Career growth opportunities, etc.

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